Full Moon for May 2023
Hello lovelies,
As we all know, tomorrow is another Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse as well - yay!
When? Saturday May 6th at 4:34am AEST.
Known as Beaver Moon, Frost Moon, Mourning Moon.
Our gorgeous moon will be in the sign of Scorpio.
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
What's in a name?
For our cousins in the Northern hemisphere, she is known as a Flower Moon. But for us here in the Southern hemisphere she is known as a Beaver Moon or Frost moon...
So why the difference? It simply comes down to the seasons. The Northern hemisphere will be in spring, moving into summer, so flowers are in full bloom. Hence the name Flower Moon. Where here we are in autumn, transitioning into winter. And just like the beaver, we too will start preparing our homes for the upcoming colder months.
Our gorgeous mother moon is called a Beaver Moon as this is the time when the beavers will start to build their dams to get ready for the colder months of winter. And yes, I know we don't have beavers here, but all the full moons have the same name. Whether we are in the Northern or Southern hemisphere.
With the power of the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse being in Scorpio, there is some pretty intense energy here. It's a time to connect to our inner self's and release and let go of what is holding us back and stopping us from moving forward. It won't be easy as emotions will be heightened, and our true deepest emotions and feelings will be revealed under the moon light.
The Lunar Eclipse is a great time to cleanse and release negative energy and feelings that are no longer serving our highest good. It's also a great time to ground ourselves as the intense energy can be a bit erratic.
A few great little rituals I like to do are:
Releasing emotions and feelings that no longer serve me.
On a piece of paper, write down the thoughts and feelings you want to release.
Light a candle. Then with the flame of the candle, burn the paper under the Full Moon.
A good smudge and clean of my house, a good smudge of myself.
Smudging is a great way to move and shift negative stagnant energy and making way for new fresh positive energy.
Start by opening the doors and windows, as we want that old energy out.
Light a candle and light your smudge stick with the flame of the candle.
Wave the smudge stick so it's just a smoulder and you should have smoke.
Walk around each room of your home and set your intentions, say your intentions out loud or in your mind. Continue walking around and waving the smudge stick using your intuition to guide the way. Once you have completed your smudging of the house, I like to take my smudge stick outside. And under the Full Moon, I smudge myself by waving the smudge stick smoke over and around me. Once you have finished, snuff you smudge stick out in a heat proof dish. Sand or salt is also a good choice.
And of course, my favourite - standing bare foot on the grass and bathing in the gorgeous moon light.
This is the best part, simply stand on the grass with no shoes and soak up the moon light whilst grounding your feet in the Earth - total bliss!
Do not cleanse or charge crystals. A Lunar Eclipse is not a great time to cleanse or charge your crystals, as the energy from a Lunar Eclipse is so much more intense and chaotic. That is not the sort of energy we want to be charging our crystals with - especially if we want to be using them within our home and on our person... So, for this full moon, no crystal cleansing or charging.
If you do need to cleanse or charge your crystals, you can use the following methods:
Selenite or Clear Quartz - will cleanse and charge other crystals.
Palo sticks or smudge stick - light and wave the crystals through the smoke (if you do not have either of these, Rosemary or Lavender work just as well).
And simply reprogram your crystals by holding them in your hand and set your new intentions for them.
Now it's time to let that shit go!
If anyone is looking for me, I will be outside bare foot on the grass.
Sending you all Love & Light Prue