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Full Moon For June 2023 The Cold Moon or Longest Night Moon

Hello all, today will be our 6th Full Moon for the year in the Southern Hemisphere - she is called the Cold Moon or the Long Night Moon to coincide with the beginning of Winter. She will be at her fullest on Sunday June 4th at 2:42pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). The moon will be in Sagittarius.

This Full Moon will also be the last Full Moon before the arrival of the June Solstice, aka the Winter Solstice which will occur on Tuesday June 21st at 8:14pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). Which is also usually the darkest and shortest day of the year.

This Full Moon is a great time for

  • Cleansing, smudging and cleansing rituals.
  • Releasing what no longer serves us.
  • Cleansing and recharging our crystals, Oracle and Tarot cards.
  • Taking time to acknowledge what we have achieved in the past year, giving thanks, appreciation and taking a moment to be grateful and show gratitude for all that we have accomplished and acquired.
  • Making Moon Water

 Moon Water

How to brew your very own Moon Water and how to use it.

As we know, a Full Moon has intense energy and a magical air about her. Moon Water is a tool that can amplify that energy even more.

Moon Water is water which has been charged by the energy of a Full Moon, by placing it in the light of the moon and allowing it to soak up her powers.

Moon Water is great to use for rituals and is quite refreshing and cleansing for our bodies and homes.


Moon Water can technically be made during any moon phase. But as we know, the Full Moon has the most energy. However, don’t make Moon Water during a lunar eclipse… Eclipses are dark and can reveal our shadows, making them a time to release, not harness.

How to make your Moon Water

  1.  Choose a clean container and fill it with water.

You can use fresh rainwater if you don’t plan on drinking it. If you are planning on using your water to drink, please use spring or filtered water.



Place your water in your container and find a place outside in the moonlight or place on a window sill where the light of the moon can reach.


Now is the time to set your intention for your water, this can be as simple as thinking and being mindful about what you are planning to use your water for. You can also say a blessing over your water and another idea is to see what zodiac sign the moon phase is in, as these are also the energies you will be channeling into your water ritual.

"For example, if you have intentions around love - choose a Taurus or Libra Full Moon to give your manifestation an extra boost."

Crystal Power
For added oomph, you can place some crystals on top of your container to help charge your Moon Water. Rose Quartz, Moonstone and Clear Quartz are some great choices.

When you have completed your ritual and set your intentions, leave your water to sit overnight in the moon beams to soak up all that gorgeous energy. Your Moon Water will be ready to use in the morning. Make sure to label your water.


Now for the fun part - how and what to use your water for.

  • Making yourself a cuppa - To help align your mind, body and soul.
  • Cleaning your home - Add some to your cleaning solution.
  • Bath - Add some to your bath water.
  • Use it to spritz onto your plants.

There are many, many things you can use your moon water in and for - it all comes back to your intention and what you would like to use it for. And don’t forget to bathe yourself in the gorgeous moonlight.

 XXX Love & Light Prue